Monday, April 5, 2010

pictures of my trip to de courcy

just uploading some images from my trip over to de courcy island (one of the three locations where the Aquarian foundation settled). a difficult place to get to-- had to go to nanaimo, take the ferry over to gabriola island, then drive to the other side of the island and was taken over to de courcy in a small fishing boat.

on de courcy, the boats pull in to a bay called pirates cove. john nayler, one of the four shareholders of the property that once belonged to the aquarian foundation, met me there and showed me around... this is an honor few people get! john is in his 70s (as are the other three owners) and not too keen on publicity. i took photos but had to work very quickly as we were constantly walking...

i don't think i will have time to actually edit these until i get to germany (am working ona very old and sloooooow laptop here) but at least they're on flickr for now.
you can click on the link below to see the full set...

i've also handwritten a short text about my day there-- seemed appropriate. i want to type that out once i have access to my typewwriter again...

AnnikaRixen's De Courcy Island photosetAnnikaRixen's De Courcy Island photoset

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